Friday, September 30, 2011


I'm reading the Murder Room.

This week I read 173 pages.

My favorite sentences are as follows:

"Bender's face pinked with excitement."
-Bender is a strange guy who's face is like a chameleon.  When he's mad it will turn red and now it turns pink when he's excited.  I like how he's got a color for every emotion!

"Valjean is hauled before the bishop for punishment, but the bishop says theres been a mistake, he gave Valjean the backet of silver as a gift but the ex-con forgot the silver candlesticks." 
-This is my favorite line of this whole book.  Its a segment from a book mentioned in this book and talks about a man who stole a basket of silver from a church but when he was caught the bishop went along with it and added more silver so he could start an honest life.  Its touching.

"They go into the woods but they don't come out."  Spooky.  This is a classic horror story begginning with the gullible people being lured to their demise by a killer in the woods.  I like it because it hints to a future conflict with a sadistic serial killer who will be ver tricky and hard to catch.

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