Friday, September 23, 2011

Currently for week 5

" To hear delly describe it, I had next to no friends because I intimidated people by being so exceptional. Not true. I had next to no friends because I wasn't friendly."

-I liked this sentence because I thought it was funny how the author used a kind of parallelism with a twist. The speaker doesn't like how her acquaintance put it since it made her sound better than she thought she was.  I'm not really sure how to describe why I like it as much as I do, it is ineffable.

"Nepetrov was used to playing highway chicken and winning."
- This passage is from The Silent Man.  I liked it because highway chicken just sound like something that could be suspensefully funny.  I'm a man of simple tastes and humor is what i mainly look for in a sentence.

"'Because whatever happened in the past is in the past. And no one in this arena was a victor by chance.' He eyes Peeta for a moment. 'Except maybe Peeta.'"

-  This sentence is my utmost favorite because it singles out the one kid who isn't as able.  The sentence is basically a corollary of he cliche about high school student being picked last on a sports team, and, given the seriousness of their situation, it was unexpected and amusing.

Ok so this week finished the Silent Man and have started The Murder Room.  I read  about 65 from The Silent Man and 100 exactly from the Murder Room for a total of:

This Week: 165

Total this semester: 1772

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