Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Silent Man

I haven't read too far into this book, only 160 pages or so, and yet it is incredibly captivating.  It's more of a guy's book with more action and suspense than most books.  It reminds me a little of the Bourne movies.  Anyway, the story of what i've read so far is that nuclear material has been stolen and is now in the hands of someone who wants to destroy all of america and apparently has a plan do due so... hence the nuclear material.  There's a weapons dealer who wants revenge on the protagonist- John Wells- and attempts to murder him and his partner/ girlfriend- Exley. This may sound like the typical guy movie with shootouts, explosions, a bad guy, and the goodguy getting the girl, but that's because it is.  Each chapter is a different view point of characters in this book, which allows for a total comprehension of whats going on.  Overall its a good book and I've liked what I've read so far.

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