Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Murder Room

     This book is rather dull.  Its got a good storyline, though rather mixed up and tumultuous, with three main characters that work together as one perfectly functioning machine of crime solving glory.  First of all, there is Frank Bender who is a prurient sex addicted artist/psychic who uses his gift of "seeing" how a human head would look and then creating a bust of that person for police identification.  Then there is Richard Walter who is a criminal profiler who is Benders complimentary friend and co-worker.  They usually have some tension since Frank is laid back and has many girlfriends in addition to a wife who is okay with his girlfriends, while Richard is an uptight man who always wears a suit and tie.  These two would never have been able to funtion if it weren't for the third character: William Fleisher.  He is the glue that holds the group together and offers his wide range of associates and informants to the group in order to solve the crimes that they are solving.  The group is really well described and the background is really well described.  But it seems like thats all this book is- background.

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