Thursday, October 13, 2011

Goodnight Goodnight

I've decided to change this one up and write about a song instead of a book.  The books are all starting to meld together into one big story so this should be a refreshing change of pace.  Goodnight goodnight is a song sung by a band named "Hot Hot Heat" they seem to prefer repetition.  Anyways, the song is really good and I think it may be my utmost favorite.  I'm pretty picky about songs and this one fits all of my requirements.  It has a pretty upbeat pace which keeps you interested right from the start and the guy's voice is captivating.  The lyrics are about this guy who is sick of his girlfriend who drags him out with her so called friends and is just with him for the fun of it.  This is his final goodbye to her and all of her trouble, which happens to be why it is called Goodnight Goodnight.  I'm not quite sure how to put music onto hear and I'm too lazy to do it anyhow so if you're ever on youtube, check it out.  I promise that you won't be sorry!

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