Friday, November 11, 2011


     This movie was on and I decided to watch it since I've seen it before but it had been a while and so I didn't remember alot of it.  I really liked this movie for alot of reasons.  It had a good plot with Maximus first beign captured and then thrown into the arena where he has to fight for his life.  He rallys the other gladiators who would normally be independant and so he is easily able to survive.  He was a general for the romans who have now capruted him due to a corrupt emperor and after a while one of his troops recognizes him and speaks to him.  I'm sorry if this post is all over the place but that's just how my mind works-  I'll start thinking of the plot and then I'll think of something I forgot to mention and go back and explain it.  Anyways, Maximus has gained the respect of the other gladiators and many other powerful people and is therefore able to create a plan of escape in which he will go to a nearby city where his army is waiting and then storm the city to kill the emperor.  My description probably sounds terrible, but the movie is actually really interesting and is fairly suspenseful throughout the plot.  There's an ending which you will not expect and is a pretty nice changeup from the normal happily ever after of almost every other movie.  The fight scenes are also pretty intense and will maintain your attention with a few moments of recess in which main point of intrigue and sentimentality are presented.  I would highly recommend watching this movie if you can find it.  It's a little old but that doesn't make it bad.

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