Friday, November 11, 2011


During this semester I read alot of fiction books and not much of anything else.  I did read one book which was nonfiction but it still containted many of the aspect of the other books.  I chose these books by the cover mostly, and the title.  If someone had recommended a book I would look into it but mostly I read what sounded good.  Some of the books lived up to their title, such as A Long Way Gone, but others, such as the Murder Room, were far from appealing.  In general, it was fairly easy for me to find things which interested me.  The wall of books gave me a nice variety to choose frm along with the few select books up in front.  The problem was that I kept having this feeling in the back of my mind that while I was looking from title to title, I may miss one that didn't seem interesting but was or that I just would not notice it.  However, once I found a good book, I could stick with it for the most part as long as it didn't recess into any moments which lacked interest and bored me to the bone.  I hate when a book does that.  I didn't have much trouble reading the weekly quota, but some weeks were worse than others.  Lately there has been a ton of homework and it really brought me down and I hated it all, but it lightened up after Wednesday and so I found more time to read.  Before this week, however, the reading was generally easy.


     This movie was on and I decided to watch it since I've seen it before but it had been a while and so I didn't remember alot of it.  I really liked this movie for alot of reasons.  It had a good plot with Maximus first beign captured and then thrown into the arena where he has to fight for his life.  He rallys the other gladiators who would normally be independant and so he is easily able to survive.  He was a general for the romans who have now capruted him due to a corrupt emperor and after a while one of his troops recognizes him and speaks to him.  I'm sorry if this post is all over the place but that's just how my mind works-  I'll start thinking of the plot and then I'll think of something I forgot to mention and go back and explain it.  Anyways, Maximus has gained the respect of the other gladiators and many other powerful people and is therefore able to create a plan of escape in which he will go to a nearby city where his army is waiting and then storm the city to kill the emperor.  My description probably sounds terrible, but the movie is actually really interesting and is fairly suspenseful throughout the plot.  There's an ending which you will not expect and is a pretty nice changeup from the normal happily ever after of almost every other movie.  The fight scenes are also pretty intense and will maintain your attention with a few moments of recess in which main point of intrigue and sentimentality are presented.  I would highly recommend watching this movie if you can find it.  It's a little old but that doesn't make it bad.


     I've never read this book before now, but alot of people I know have read it for class work or something.  anyways, I started to read the book and it's actually really good.  Its about the world after a long time of wars and a new dictatorship.  There are no laws, but there are still police to arrest you if you speak out against the government. Also, there are thought police who will arrest you for being too suspicious or seeming like the type of person to act against the government.  If you are too smart or innovative, you're already dead.  Right now the man, Winston, has joined the Brotherhood, a secret organization against the government that works in the shadows and is merely a rumor to most.  I won't tell you what happens to him but it came as a surprise to me, especially since it was really sudden.  This book wasn't really what I had expected it to be and the begginning is pretty slow, but it gets better near the end.  There was one part where Winston was simply reading the brotherhood's book about why they do this and the pages mirrored that of the book he was reading.  I don't know why but I thought that this was somewhat lazy since it was pages and pages of a book within a book.  I would have just summed it up and put that instead of the entire written page.  Other then that its an interesting book and some of the ideas within the book, like how people will believe whatever they are told, seems crazy to me and it made me want to keep reading.I'd suggest this book for personal reading and I think you'll enjoy it.  I've already read more than half the book in about a week.

Friday, November 4, 2011


These 2 weeks: 359

Favorite sentences:
"She flipped her canoe and began to look around under the water."  I thought this was really cool because she flips her canoe and then flips it back when she runs out of air.  Of course, since we know that there is a massive prehistoric shark in the water near where they are, we can figure that it is going to end badly.

"Everybody get out of here!' she exclaimed, but everybody continued sitting. Just then the entire restaurant started shaking, causing people to rush towards the door, the building started falling into the sea." This would freak me out!  The shark is under the restaurant, which is on wooden stilts, and as it starts ramming the poles everybody runs.  I always kinda laugh when people ignore a person's warning and the start to panic once it begins to happen. 

"suddenly the doctor said 'hmm this shouldn't be here.' and then dissapeared into the open stomach of the creature."  Creepy.  A man was performing an autopsy on a dead prehistoric creature which the team had pulled out of the sea, and then is pulled into it's stomach one he cuts it open.  I won't tell you why put you will never expect what happens next.

MEG[ALODON]: Hell's Aquarium

     This is the sequel to The Trench which I wrote about in my last book and it's even better!  I don't want to give anything away, but the daughter of the original megalodon was captured and is now being held in a massive aquarium while being held for viewing along with her own three daughters if you pay for a ticket.  The act starts out normal enough but there is a terrifying accident that leads to the closing down of the aquarium and possible euthanization of the meg.  However, it is agreed upon that the meg will be transported back to the Marianas trench where it came from.  Meanwhile the main character's son takes a job with a private corporation in India where he will be teaching a group of people how to use the divers which his father used the first time they met the prehistoric shark.  The man behind the business is very mysterious with a past that he will not tell anybody.  The son, naturally suspicious, investigates the compound which they are on and finds that there are massive empty tanks filled with water along with one which holds a massive surprise.  The whole book is filled with many unexpected curve balls which will make the inner child inside you giddy due to its fascination that there may be something else out there which has not yet been discovered.  The book also has a completely unexpected ending which was meant for shock and awe along with a mix of sadness that makes you want to tell somebody about it just so you can say "wow."  Because that is all that will be going through your mind at the time.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

1408- the absolute best movie i've ever seen

     1408 is an amazing movie and there is no possible way to not like this movie unless you are blind or born without a soul.  It's a movie about a man who lost his daughter to cancer bout 2 years ago and then left his wife.  He didn't divorce her, he just left and later we find out that it was because everytime he looked at her he saw the daughter.  I love that line because its so loaded with pitiful sadness and plays with your emotions.  Anyways, he goes around to lots of different places which are supposed to be haunted and then proves that they are not.  He has written a book about it and is looking for a sequel when he goes to the Dolphin hotel in order to investigate room 1408, but when he asks for the room the staff act suspiciously and call the manager who tries to dissuade him from entering the room but to no avail.  During his night in the room bizaar and unnatural events attempt to crush him both physically and mentally in a way that will captivate you.  The movie starts to mess with your mind near the end and makes you question what is actually going on, but the ending is haunting and amazing and sad at the same time and it made me want to watch this movie again just because I couldn't believe what had just happened.  The ending made me literally just sit there gaping at the tv while thinking " there is no way that just happened." It will blow your mind and I highly recommend it.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

MEG(ALODON): the Trench

     Okay so I found the sequel to this book lying on the floor of the family car when we were all going somewhere and i decided to read it.  It was a really good book and I read it constantly!  Although, it kept making references to events that happened in the previous books so I was a little lost there, but it was still an easy read because it would describe the event it mentioned so you didn't feel lost which is a really good idea!  Anyway this book is about the prehistoric shark species, Megalodon.  A scientist who was hired to set up earthquake sensors in the Marianas Trench was doing so with his partner when the vibrations from the mechanical arm which was unwinding some cable attracted a male megalodon, which is around 30 feet long and a few hundred tons, and attacks his partner and kills him.  Meanwhile a female arrives and attacks the male which was wrapped in the cable which was being unwound. The ship above on the surface then started to retract the cable since there was too much tension and they needed to find out what was happening.  As they bring up  the caught male though, the female follows it out of the trench into the open ocean where it then proceeds to wreak havoc on the innocent fisherman and swimmers along the coast.  Its incredibly suspenseful and very well written!  It's one of my all time favorite books and I'd even be up for reading again which I never do.